Hi, welcome to the Shuang Tan newsletter, curated, written, and edited by me, Hongqiao Liu.

In this newsletter, I will be tracking China’s policies and actions toward achieving its climate pledges of peaking carbon emissions before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality before 2060. Hence the name: “Shuang Tan” is shorthand for China’s “dual-carbon” goals (“双碳”, pinyin: Shuāng Tàn).

The newsletter will include curated news, in-depth analysis, and exclusive interviews on China’s decarbonization drive. (Read the Archive.)

Please consider subscribing to get the articles delivered to your inbox every week. You may also pledge your support in multiple ways.

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And If you would also like to put a face to my name, I recommend watching my talk at the TED Countdown Summit, “Can China achieve its ambitious climate pledges?

I hope you enjoy the newsletter, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Cheers, Hongqiao

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Policy analysis, data insights, and human-centred storytelling on the world's largest carbon emitter


Paris-based independent policy consultant & advisor, tracking #China #environment #energy #climate since 2010. Vox “Visionary change agent”; 2x TED speaker; Oxford Reuters Fellow. 中/EN/FR. I curate the Shuang Tan newsletter.